Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall Preparations Underway

Preparing your garden for the winter and cleaning up after the harvest go hand in hand.

Lasagna Composting or layered composting, is a method that not only allows you to clean up the fall garden but prep your beds with nutrient rich compost at the same time and do it all with little effort over the winter time. Step One: Split your garden trimmings into two piles, one Green; manure, compost able food scraps and all green vegetable matter leftover after the harvest. The second pile should consist of brown compost; fall leaves, pine needles, sawdust, wood chips and all dried matter leftover after the harvest such as corn stalks.

Step Two: Place a layer of cardboard or three layers of newspaper on top of each bed.
Step Three: Layer your brown compost first. Brownn compost should be 3 times as thick as green and the green compost should be placed in a rut down the center of the brown compost. Top this layer with another layer of brown compost and repeat until you have used up all your garden waste. If you have too much waste give the layers a week to compress and continue.